Name 名字 : Vivian 越南 Vietnam 【2176】
Age 年龄 : 24 Years Old
Height 身高 : 167cm
Weight 体重 : 48KG
Boobs 胸围 : 36D
Area 地区 : CENTRAL/中部
Location 地点 : Jalan Besar 惹兰勿刹
Damage 价格 : S$140/60mins/1 Shot FJ
Mobile 电话 : 8493 7018785
WhatsApp : 8493 7018785
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Please Only Pay After Seeing The Real Person.
The disco light in her room really spice up the mood.
She has a big standing mirror in her room so I could enjoy her expression while getting pounded
We cuddled and chit chat after the deed
Just makeout with her, French kiss like no tommorw after that she suck my dick plus point she knows how to go deep throat very good cock sucking skills the moment you see she suck your dick until her saliva all over the dick you know she got the skills. Very accommodating with all position. She is also a good rider on top and shaking and the eyes looking at you the let me ride you until you cum looked. Ended up fcking her 20 mins and come all over her body, the cheeky smile on her face after I cum is priceless. Ending still help to suck my D clean and suck every single juice left in my tank. Tip her 50 dollars and French kiss her before I left.10/10
Girl is genuine. Moaning is good. BJ excluded.
picture of a beautiful girl, nice big breasts and soft skin, the girl is professional and very nice to talk to. The service is great, especially the BJ. Definitely worth the money you spend. Highly recommended, will definitely RTF for next time.
Her breasts are natural and real. The juice is rich and the service is good. From start to finish, her tongue licked my whole body. It feels comfortable to slide between the fingers. The BBBJ is great, it feels like it goes deep into the soul
她漂亮、活泼、可爱、健谈。 她非常友善,而且身材很好,腰部没有赘肉。 乳房圆润饱满。 粉红色的小胸! 女婴的头发被剃光了,柔软、湿漉漉的,会紧紧地吸着。 让你拥有多重高潮! 按摩手法很独特! 无论您想要何种类型的放松滋养按摩,天使都会提供优质的服务! 如果你喜欢全面的人,一定要找到这位天使女孩! 值得大家回来体验!10/10
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